【讲座主题】第十三讲 | 晶圆健合技术介绍
【讲座时间】2022年7月1日(周五) 19:00-20:30
【报告人】Dr. Viorel Dragoi(Chief Scientist for permanent wafer bonding, the head of the Technology Development team at EV Group headquarters)
【讲座内容】1. An introduction of the wafer bonding processes and their principles. 2. A basic introduction of the processes related to wafer bonding (e.g. cleaning, substrates alignment). 3. An overview of the most used methods for substrates and process characterization. 4. A short introduction of the EVG bonder process capabilities.
【参会方式】Teams会议,请在电脑端浏览器里打开Teams参会链接http://985.so/c3pv ,然后选择“在浏览器上继续”即可进入等候室;届时会由主讲方许可后即入会;因需许可后才能入会,故请提前打开会议链接进入等候室。
7月5日 第十四讲 | 电镀工艺以及相关应用的介绍(19:00~20:30)