(Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition)
主要用途/ Application:
This equiment has two deposition modes: thermal method and plasma enhanced method, mainly used for depositing ultra-thin, uniform, and highly conformal metal thin films (such as Cu, TiN, Ru, etc.). ICP inductively coupled plasma assisted technology can be used to prepare high-quality metal thin films at low power (without damaging the substrate), suitable for coating TSV via and deep trench devices. At the same time, this device can also deposit oxide and nitride dielectric thin films (but this device is mainly used for depositing metals due to considerations such as cross contamination).
设备工作原理简介/ Operating principle:
1. 自限制生长:每次反应只发生在单层原子上,确保薄膜的厚度和组成可控。
- 优异的三维保型性:能够在复杂形状的基底上均匀沉积薄膜。
3. 大面积均匀性:能够在较大的基底面积上实现均匀的薄膜沉积。
4. 低温生长:适用于在低温下进行薄膜沉积,适用于某些敏感材料的处理
Atomic layer deposition is a special chemical vapor deposition technology, through the gas phase precursor alternately into the reaction chamber, and chemical adsorption and reaction on the surface of the substrate to form atomic-level films.
Atomic layer deposition technology has the following key characteristics:
- Self-limiting growth: Each reaction occurs on only a single layer of atoms, ensuring that the thickness and composition of the film are controllable.
- Excellent 3D shape preservation: the ability to deposit films uniformly on substrates of complex shapes.
- Large area uniformity: The ability to achieve uniform film deposition over a large base area.
- Low temperature growth: suitable for film deposition at low temperature, suitable for the treatment of some sensitive materials.
工艺能力/ Capability:
- 可沉积TiN、TaN、Cu、Ru金属薄膜
- 可沉积Al2O3,AlN介质薄膜
- 支持8寸及以下的整片和碎片
- 八寸基底沉积的薄膜均匀性<3%
- ICP功率最大可达300W
- 加热温度最大可达500度
- 多层和加厚层沉积与工程师联系
- 特殊金属工艺沉积可与工程师联系
- Can deposit TiN, TaN, Cu, Ru metal film
- Al2O3, AlN dielectric films can be deposited
- Support whole pieces and fragments 8 inches or less
- The uniformity of the film deposited on the eight-inch base is <3%
- ICP power up to 300W
- Heating temperature up to 500 degrees
- Multi-layer and thickened layer deposition contact engineer
- Special metal process deposition can contact the engineer
典型使用案例/ Typical scenario:
Low resistance TiN film (电阻率<100µὩcm)
设备类别/Facilities:薄膜沉积设备/ Thin Film Deposition Equipment
设备地点/Location:薄膜Ⅳ区/ Thin Film Area IV
工艺工程师/Engineer in response:
姓名:乌李瑛;邮箱:lynn_wu@sjtu.edu.cn 电话:021-34206126-6028
Name: Liying Wu; Email:lynn_wu@sjtu.edu.cn Tel: 021-34206126-6028