NanoFrazor Lithography – Revolutionizing nanofabrication
2017年12月14日星期四上午9:30在微电子大楼401会议室,召开AEMD系列技术研讨会——NanoFrazor Lithography – Revolutionizing nanofabrication,相关信息如下。欢迎全校相关学科的老师与同学参加!
报告时间:2017年12月14 日星期四9:30
ZhengMing Wu did her Bachelor in Precision Instrument at Shanghai Jiaotong University and was an application for several years at the Aerial Ministry Research Institute. She was sales engineer at W.L. Gore & Associates Ltd. in Shanghai before she received a Master in physics at the University of Basel. During her PhD in Basel, she fabricated nano-devices using UV and e-beam lithography. In 2009, she joined Nanosurf (Liestal, CH) where she successfully set up and developed the sales network for Scanning Probe Microscopy systems in Asia.
ZhengMing leads the international sales activities at SwissLitho and builds up a global sales network.
Thermal scanning probe lithography (t-SPL) has recently entered the lithography market as first true alternative to electron beam lithography (EBL). By now, the first dedicated t-SPL systems, called NanoFrazor, have been installed at research facilities in Europe, America, Asia and Australia by the company SwissLitho, a spinoff company of ETH Zurich.
Core of the technology – which has its origins at IBM Research and their Millipede project – is a heatable probe tip which is used for patterning and simultaneous inspection of complex nanostructures. The heated tip creates arbitrary high-resolution (<10 nm half-pitch) nanostructures by local decomposition and evaporation of resist materials. The patterning depth can be controlled with 1 nm accuracy, enabling patterning of extremely accurate 3D nanostructures in a single step.
The patterning speed of t-SPL is comparable to that of high-resolution Gaussian shaped EBL, and a scan speed of 20 mm/s with a pixel rate of 500 kHz has been demonstrated. The written nanostructures are inspected by the cold tip in parallel with the patterning process, which enabled new methods for stitching and overlay with sub-5 nm accuracy without the use of artificial marker structures.
Pattern transfer methods based on reactive ion etching, lift-off, electroplating, directed self-assembly and more have been demonstrated in combination with t-SPL. Various examples of realized applications that demonstrate the unique capabilities of the NanoFrazor will be shown. Such examples include 3D optical devices like phase plates, gratings and computer generated holograms. Furthermore, devices made of graphene and MoS2 flakes or carbon tubes and InAs nanowires will be shown. Such examples benefit from the accurate overlay process and the fact that no potentially damaging charged particle beam is used during the lithography itself.