Bruker ICON原子力显微镜

(Bruker ICON Atomic Force Microscope)


  1. XY方向扫描范围90um×90um,Z方向扫描范围10um,XY全范围运动最大高度起伏低于4nm;

X-Y axis scanning range 90um×90um,Z-axis scanning range 10um, XY scanning maximum height variation is lower than 4nm;

  1. 智能自动进针方式;

Auto probe;

  1. 210mm真空吸附全自动样品台,可程序化控制;

210mm auto specimen stage with vacuum absorption;

  1. 配置接触模式、轻敲模式、相位成像模式、压电响应测试模式、横向力/摩擦力测试模式、扫描隧道显微镜、智能扫描模式;

Scanning mode: Contact mode, Tapping mode, Phaseimaging, Piezo Response Force Modulation (PFM), Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM), Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), ScanAsyst mode;

  1. 样品台:210mm真空吸附全自动样品台,可程序化控制;

210mm auto specimen stage with vacuum adsorption;

  1. 导电AFM:通过测量电流对导体的导电性及完整性的变化进行成像;

Conductive Atomic Force microscopy: imaging of conductivity difference by testing specimen current can check the integrality of conductor material;

  1. 可实现程序控制的纳米刻蚀功能,工业标准的C++编译软件;

Provide nanofabrication process, the industry standard C++ software;

  1. 提供-35℃至250℃成像功能。

Provide -35℃ to 250℃ imaging.



        Mainly applied in high resolution observation of surface morphologies, and simultaneous detection of surface physical and chemical characteristics, including surface friction and viscosity, surface roughness, conductivity and nanofabrication, etc.
