AEMD平台将于本周五联合牛津仪器召开“牛津IBE及ALD设备讲座”,欢迎有兴趣的老师和同学前来,并请帮忙转发给相关的老师们,谢谢! 时间:2013年12月13日(周五)上午9:30 地点:上海交通大学.微电子大楼.306会议室 (出电梯右转到底) 主题:牛津IBE及ALD设备讲座 主讲人:Dr. Larry Leung 以下是讲座概要及主讲人信息: Ion Beam Etch (IBE) and Ion Beam Deposition (IBD) In this presentation, an overview of the basic theory of ion beam etch and deposition will be given. In particular, the generation of ion beam by a RF inductive coupled plasma source and the use of grid technology to manipulate the beam profile will be discussed. A hardware overview of an Oxford Instruments Ionfab300Plus IBE and IBD system will be given with the emphasis of its dual beam characteristics for etching and deposition in a single chamber. The applications of using IBE and IBD will be finally presented including the use of in‐situ diagnostic such as SIMS for process monitoring and new process development for the deposition of vanadium oxide. Atomic Layer Deposition In this presentation, the basic principles of atomic layer deposition will be presented first including the description of the surface reaction mechanisms and the characteristics of ALD deposition regimes. The presentation is followed by a brief description of an Oxford Instruments FlexAL ALD system with the emphasis of its chamber design and precursor delivery system. The merits of using Plasma‐enhanced ALD (PEALD) will be emphasized as illustrated with examples of low temperature oxide deposition, metal deposition, and other commercial applications such as metal‐insulator‐metal capacitor by ternary metal oxide. Larry Leung Profile Dr. Leung joined Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology as the Process Development Manager in 2002 and was primarily responsible for the product development of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) tools. Since then, he has also been involved in several technology development projects including hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE), ion beam etch (IBE) and deposition (IBD) and most recently, atomic layer deposition (ALD). He currently holds the position of Product Manager at the company. Prior to joining Oxford Instruments, Dr. Leung was the MBE production manager at IQE, Inc.